Saturday, February 28, 2009

Let's get this show on the road...

Enough dilly-dallying around, thinking that I have to have it all figured out or have it perfect before I begin...

Today, I start.

I had applied to be on the Polka Dot Plum Creative Team last November at the urging of a scrappy friend of mine, Amy (amysout). After a couple of encouraging e-mails, I went for it and I'm thrilled to have been picked. The ladies on the PDP Creative Team are so inspiring and motivated. I'm learning a lot just by being a part of this team. I didn't know about this whole side benefit, but I'm excited!

I created a free desktop wallpaper for everybody using Polka Dot Plum's newest kit "Occasionally" that you can get at or Here's a preview of the desktop (created in 3 sizes for your convenience):

You can get your own copy of the desktop by clicking here:

Well, I did it. Today, I started. And in another day or two, I will start again.
As Julia Cameron says:
"The openness to begin is all the openness required to have each day. We start today, and tomorrow we start again, and the day after we start again, as we will the day after that. In this way does our journey come to us. We begin. The rest unfolds through us."

Maybe when I come back, I'll have learned how to put in links using simple words rather than the full html code... Maybe, errrr Maybe not!

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